Dendrobates tinctorius


Order Anura


Largest of the Dendrobates species, measuring up to two inches from snout to vent. Color: black with wide yellow stripes; legs blue with black spots. Stripes are often broken up, but may be fused.


French Guiana and northern Brazil


Continuous imports and loss of habitat will inevitably lead to serious depletion in the wild.

Photo by Greg Neise



Tropical rain forests
Diurnal and mainly terrestrial, living on or close to the ground. The diet consists mainly of ants, termites, and other small insects and small spiders.

Life History

Courtship is frequently initiated with vocalizations and stimulation of the partner by touching, shoving, tapping, and attempts to mount, the female being the active partner. The pair then searches for a suitable spawning site. A few large eggs are deposited on leaves or the ground near water. The eggs are guarded and kept wet by the male. After a 14 to18 day incubation, the eggs hatch and the male carries the tadpoles to the water on his back. Longevity in the wild is not known, but in captivity may live up to 10 years.

Special Adaptations

  • Brightly colored to warn enemies of lethal nerve toxins
  • The finger and toe tips have glandular adhesive pads that enable the animal to climb